Benjamin Spreading Peanut Butter On Someone's Cookie

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Michelle: Ah, a chocolate chip cookie! Need some milk! *goes to get some milk*

Benjamin: *opens a jar of peanut butter, and spreads some on Michelle's cookie*

Michelle: Dude, what the heck?! You got peanut butter on my cookie!

Benjamin: So?

Michelle: I'm allergic to peanut butter!

Benjamin: Just a little peanut butter. You'll be fine.

Me: I am allergic to peanut butter, too, Benjamin! What you did was not cool!

Ramenking_Tostadas: Someone gonna die!!!! *gets out sledgehammer*

Benjamin: No!!! *runs away*

Ramenking_Tostadas: Come back here, vato!! *runs after him with her sledgehammer*

Michelle: That dude is gonna die!!!!

Me: Yup!

Funeral Director: I'll be waiting! *stands by the casket*

This story was written on Saturday, October 24th, 2020.

A/N Start burying Benjamin's grave!!! 😡😡😡😡😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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