Lucky Girl!

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fluffyducky444: *opens the mail, and realizes she won 5 millon bucks* Oh my gosh!!!!!!! I'm rich!!!! I'm stinking rich!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!

Me: Babe, what happened?

fluffyducky444: I won 5 millon bucks, baby!!!!!!! I hit the jackpot!!!! I'm rich!!!!!! I'm so hyper, I can barely control myself!!!!!! But, I don't care!!! I'm rich!!!

Me: This is great, babe!!!!

fluffyducky444: I know!!!! This is the happiest day of my life!!!!! Let's go get a pizza, baby!!! Pizza is on me!!!!

Me: Cool!!!!

This story was written on Thursday, November 5th, 2020.

A/N She won 5 million bucks!!!! What a lucky gal!!!! She has to get her own mansion!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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