Shoving Pies In Her Face

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fluffyducky444: I want an apple pie!

Me: Coming right up! *quickly bakes an apple pie*

fluffyducky444: Give it to me!

Me: *shoves it in her face*

fluffyducky444: *face covered in pie* Why did you do that? I thought you cared about me!

Me: I do! *shoves a cherry pie in her face*

fluffyducky444: You better stop it right now, or I'm telling Olive!

Me: Yeah, right! *shoves a blueberry pie in her face*

fluffyducky444: I'm warning you!

Me: *shoves a strawberry pie in her face*

fluffyducky444: That does it!!! She is gonna hear about this!!!!

This story was written on Friday, November 6th, 2020.

A/N Ha ha ha! She ain't telling Olive nothing! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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