BK Breakfast

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Me: *eating an sausage egg and cheese biscuit*

gmwells: *eating hash browns*

Benjamin: Can I have your other sausage egg and cheese biscuit, Will?

Me: No! You have your own food!

Benjamin: *takes it anyway and eats it*

Me: Benjamin!!!! You jerk!!

gmwells: Dude, what's your problem?!

Benjamin: *takes her hash browns and eats them*

gmwells: Dude, seriously?!!!

Ramenking_Tostadas: I saw that!!! Not cool, man!!

Benjamin: They said, they weren't hungry, so I ate their food.

hopeslastdrop: That's a lie!! He drank my orange juice!

Ramenking_Tostadas: Don't worry, amigos, I'll get you some more breakfast from Burger King! *looks at her watch* On second thought, it's lunchtime! Benjamin, you are in for it! Since you ate their breakfast, I'm not getting you anything!

Me: I'll have 2 Original Chicken Sandwiches, both with cheese, and a Cherry Surge!

hopeslastdrop: I'll have chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce, and a chocolate milkshake!

gmwells: And, I'll have two Whoppers, and a Coke!

Ramenking_Tostadas: You got it, amigos! I'll get your food, right now! *leaves for Burger King*

hopeslastdrop: *gives Benjamin an angry look*

Benjamin: *chuckles nervously* No hard feelings, right?

hopeslastdrop: *grabs Benjamin, puts him in the casket, slams it shut, and sits on it*

This story was written on Friday, October 16th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin has gone way too far, this time!! 😡😡😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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