Remembering Benjamin Jackson 1987-2020

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Ken: What I remember about him, is that he was always being silly. He laughed at the most inappropriate times. I always told him to stop being silly, and like 5 minutes later, he would burst out laughing, again, only for me to reprimand him, again. He got in trouble a lot in school. He was unkind, to a lot of people, and got sent to the time out room a lot at Lawrence School, through out his years there. He was disrespectful to his mother, and never had a kind word to say about anyone. His attitude was nasty, and he was a bully. He ran away from home, during the winter of 2018, on a bitterly cold January day, all because of a joke. He was gone for several weeks, and left Connecticut for quite some time. He spent some time in New York City, living on the streets. Then, he caught a ride to North Carolina, when T Hawk tracked him down, and brought his butt back home to Connecticut. He was placed under house arrest for a good 6 months. Just recently, he bullied kids at a nearby school, and shoplifted at a supermarket. He was in a short term relationship with this lady Marie, that only lasted 3 months, and I told Marie to break up with Benjamin, much to his rage. He always criticized Emma and Will's stories on Wattpad. I always stood up for both of them, against Benjamin. He wrote some stories himself, but they were terrible. Lack of punctuation. Aside from all the wrongs he committed, Benjamin enjoyed traveling to North Carolina, seeing Will's family members. He enjoyed hanging out with Will's cousin, playing Call Of Duty. He would always pressurize me into planning trips to NC, during the colder months, to which I always rejected. We always traveled to NC, every summer. Back in 2014, Benjamin did volunteer work at a soup kitchen in Hartford, but that didn't last long. He never had a paying job. Well, that's all she wrote! Benjamin was an awful, evil, scumbag of a person, and I don't miss him!

Me: Benjamin was unkind, and a total jerk to everyone, including me. He criticized my stories, but I ignored his comments. He was an awful person, that's I have to say.

Emma: Benjamin was a jerk. I first met him in 2018. He was afraid of me at first, but then started picking on me, and always interrupted me, when I was in the middle of writing. He criticized my stories, too. Of course, Ken was by my side, and would threaten to pulverize Benjamin. He didn't mess around. He slapped the snot out of him. Glad I don't have to deal with him no more, and I look forward to seeing him in the casket, during his funeral in Virginia, next week.

Iris: Benjamin was an idiot, and so stupid. Not to mention, annoying.

Brandon: Benjamin was just an idiot. He always complained about every little thing. He and I never got along. I never liked him, since the day we first met.

Kyle: Benjamin was not nice. The end.

Andrea: Benjamin was an evil person. The end.

Alexis: Benjamin is gone. The end.

Margaret: Benjamin always took everything, personally. Just because I made a joke, he had the audacity to run away from home! How childish! To be honest, I was never his friend.

Jane Jackson: I miss my son so much. Words cannot express, how I am feeling right now. *wiping her tears away and sniffing* I always tried to be a good mother, and punish him, by spanking him. He treated his brother and sister with so much disrespect. He was the oldest in the family, but, that still didn't give him a right treat his younger siblings that way. Ever since my husband and I divorced, he always acted out. Nothing is gonna bring my son back. I just hope that God is looking after my boy. *breaks down crying*

T Hawk: Benjamin was a weasel. I always called him weasel. We had a hate hate relationship. We hardly got along.

Aunt Cookie: Benjamin was an okay person. Not the best, but okay. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, during this difficult time.

Aunt Margie: I remember when Benjamin came to my house, to spend time with my daughter, Marquetta. He tried asking her out on a date, and she turned him down. Then, he starts using profanity, and I tell him not to use that kind of talk in my house. I told him, he want to use profanity, he don't need to come round here, no more. That's not right.

Uncle Benard: Benjamin loved coming down to North Carolina. He always talked about moving down here, but Ken wouldn't let him.

Lake247: I may not have known Benjamin for that long, but he was a jerk. Enough said. I can't wait to go to Virginia, and dance on his casket!

HermioneGranger5117: I am not gonna miss him.

This story was written on Friday, November 6th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin was a jerk! Enough said! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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