Benjamin Ate All The Pizza!

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Me: Who ate all the pizza?!

linda0244: Wasn't me!

Ramenking_Tostadas: It was Benjamin!! I didn't even get to have a slice!

Benjamin: I was hungry!

Ramenking_Tostadas: In the casket! *opens it up* Come on, get in there! Vamanos!

Benjamin: You can always order more pizza! I'm not going in the casket, because of that! Grow up!

Ramenking_Tostadas: *grabs Benjamin, puts him in the casket, slams it shut, and sits on it* One of you amigos, order some more pizza, while I sit on this casket!

Me: Bueno! *orders more pizza*

Benjamin: *from inside the casket* Let me out!

Ramenking_Tostadas: Que? No hablas English! *giggles* Ay dios mio!

Benjamin: Stop speaking Spanish!!!!

This story was written on Saturday, October 17th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin is such a greedy pig! He had the audacity to eat all the pizza, and none of us got one slice! If you hate Benjamin post this! #IHateBenjamin! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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