Forgetfulness Made The Wrong Choice

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Forgetfulness: I got a big exam, tomorrow.

Frank: And?

Forgetfulness: I haven't found the time to study.

Frank: Are you in school?

Forgetfulness: Yes, I signed up to be in school.

Frank: High school?

Forgetfulness: Yes.

Frank: And, you said you have a big exam, tomorrow?

Forgetfulness: That's right.

Frank: Why would you sign up to go to school, in the first place?

Forgetfulness: To make new friends.

Frank: You go to school, for an education, stupid! So what, now? Is there a graduation year for you?

Forgetfulness: I don't think so.

Frank: You may have made the biggest mistake of your life, F! And for what it's worth, you probably won't pass your exam! And, you'll probably fail your Driver's Test, as well!

Forgetfulness: Don't say that! I will pass my Driver's Test!

Frank: No, you won't!

This story was written on Monday, October 12th, 2020. (Columbus Day)

A/N Forgetfulness is so stupid! He may never graduate from school! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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