48 Pies To The Face

17 3 2

October 10th

All Of Us: Happy Birthday, Melissa!!!!

Melissa Hoon: Why, thank you!!!

Me: How old are you, now?

Melissa Hoon: 48!

Sean Lamothe: 48? Bring on the pies!!!

Joe: *hooks up the pie throwing machine, and turns it on, throwing 48 pies in Melissa's face*

Melissa Hoon: No!!!!!! *getting pied 48 times*

Robert: You said you are 48, so that equals 48 pies!

Jeff: *laughing*

Melissa Hoon: *still getting pied* I hate this!!!!!

This story was written on Monday, October 19th, 2020.

A/N I meant to write this on her actual birthday! But this is hilarious!!!! A 48 year old woman getting pied 48 times!! 😆😆😆😆😆 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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