You'll Never Get Rid Of Me!!

45 13 14

Benjamin: Wasssup?!!!!!

Kyle: Can't you go annoy someone else?

Benjamin: Aw, can't I be with my best friends?

Me: We're not friends, Benjamin!

ThrseHoel: You're so rude, and self centered!

Benjamin: Aw, come on! *acting like Brian Griffin from Family Guy and pinching her cheeks*

ThrseHoel: Stop that! See? This is what we're talking about!

NicoleTrent: Benjamin, just leave us alone, okay?

Benjamin: *pinches Nicole's cheeks* You so cute!

NicoleTrent: Dude, what the heck?! Stop it!

hopeslastdrop: Dude, what's your problem? I hope you die in a car accident!

Benjamin: *mock hurt* Now, that's not very nice! You'll never get rid of me! *tries to kiss Melissa on her lips*

hopeslastdrop: DUDE!!!!! *backs away*

Benjamin: I love you!

Me: Dude, you better knock it off! I'm not playing! You're acting like an immature brat!

linda0244: Benjamin, you need to get some help!

Benjamin: Who wants to marry me?

linda0244: Not me!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin is starting to get on our nerves now! 🙄 Melissa is right! He should die in a car accident! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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