Benjamin Is Just A Piece Of Work

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Benjamin: *whispers to self* I will go to that Halloween party at Snow School. Cannot blow my cover! I'll just pretend that I got invited by an unknown person!

Kyle: I know what you're up to! Don't get any ideas!

Benjamin: Shut up, Kyle!

Kyle: The Halloween party is only for the students that attend that school! Stay away, if you know what's good for ya!

Benjamin: Kyle, mind your own business! If you so much as blow my cover, I am gonna kill you!

Kyle: Says the person that is expected to die soon! *smirks*

Benjamin: I am NOT gonna die!! *growls in frustration*

This story was written on Friday, October 30th, 2020. (All Hallow's Eve)

A/N Benjamin, your cover will be blown! Stay off school grounds at all costs! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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