Columbus Day Hangout At Melissa's House

13 3 3

Wethersfield, Connecticut

Melissa Hoon: Why oh why, did you guys have to come here to hang out?

Sean Lamothe: You said it was okay, Mel!

Me: Exactly!

Joe: I remember every word you said!

Jeff: The pizza man is here!

Robert: Go get the door!

Melissa Hoon: *hears the doorbell ring* Ugh, I'm coming! *opens the door*

Pizza Man: That will be $23.81, please.

Melissa Hoon: *pays the pizza man* Keep the change!

Pizza Man: Thanks, Ma'am! Have a nice night!

Melissa Hoon: Yeah, you too! Pizzas are here, guys!

Me: *gets two slices of bacon pizza*

Melissa Hoon: Why do you like bacon pizza so much?

Me: I just do! Is there a problem?

Melissa Hoon: No, not at all!

Jeff: *gets two slices of pepperoni pizza*

Sean Lamothe: *gets two slices of pepperoni pizza*

Robert: *gets two slices of anchovies pizza*

Joe: *gets two slices of supreme pizza*

Melissa: *gets two slices of cheese pizza* One thing is for certain! You guys will not be hanging out here for Christmas!

Me: We will still come here for Christmas!

Melissa Hoon: No!!!!!!!!!!! Why me?!!!!!!!!!

This story was written on Monday, October 12th, 2020. (Columbus Day)

Melissa is always down on her luck! 😆😆😆😆😆😆 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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