Living In A Castle

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Queen__Gryffindor: I want a pie! A cherry pie!

Vido: Yes, Your Highness! *quickly bakes a cherry pie for the queen* Anything to keep myself from being thrown into the dungeon! *takes the pie out of the oven and gives it to the queen* Here is your pie, Your Highness!

Queen__Gryffindor: Thank you! *eats the cherry pie* Please paint thine nails!

Vido: Yes, Your Highness! *paints the queen's nails red*

Queen__Gryffindor: Ah, the life of a queen! Tis the sweet life! This be a fine castle!

This story was written on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020.

A/N The queen must be treated with loyalty at all times! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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