Benjamin Is So Rude And Nasty!

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Ken: Benjamin, time for dinner!

Benjamin: Okay! *sits down at the table*

Ken: I cooked baked ziti with Italian sausage!

Me: Yummy! Thanks for inviting us over to dinner, Ken!

Lake247: Yeah, like thanks, and whatever.

Ken: Don't mention it!

Iris: *eating* Delicious!

Margaret: *eating* I second that!

Lake247: Man, this baked ziti is fantastic! Dude, you are absolutely the best chef, I ever met! Not gonna lie!

Ken: Thank you, kindly!

Lake247: Yes, sir, this is fantastic! Yes, sir! Yes, sir!

Me: *eating* This is delicious!

Benjamin: *drinks some Dr. Pepper, and belches out loud*

Ken: Excuse you!

Benjamin: Excuse me.

itz_author: Not impressed by your lack of table etiquette.

Benjamin: *reaches over for the parmesan cheese*

Ken: Benjamin, if you want some parmesan cheese, ask someone to hand it to you!

Benjamin: Melissa, can you pass me the cheese, please?

hopeslastdrop: Sure. *passes the parmesan cheese to Benjamin*

Benjamin: *takes it without saying thank you*

hopeslastdrop: You're welcome!

Lake247: Rude!

Benjamin: *eats his food, using his hands, instead of his fork*

Ken: Use your fork, Benjamin.

Benjamin: *ignores what Ken said, and eats his food, like a pig eats from a trough*

Ken: Benjamin, quit fooling around, and eat like a proper gentleman should!

Lake247: Like, dude! You need to like stop!

Benjamin: *chews with his mouth open*

Lake247: Dude, chew with your mouth closed, please! Yuck!

Kyle: Dude, you're being totally disgusting, right now!

Benjamin: *shows everyone his food in his mouth*

All Of Us: Ew!!!!!!

Ken: That's it, Benjamin! Go to your room!!! You don't know how to act appropriate at dinner, go!

Benjamin: *leaves the table, belches again, and goes to his room*

Lake247: Excuse me, I have to go vomit! *rushes to the bathroom*

Me: Benjamin is an idiot! I lost my appetite too!

hopeslastdrop: I concur, hun!

This story was written on Thursday, October 29th, 2020.

A/N Ew, gross!!!! Benjamin is gross!!!!! Ugh!!!! 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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