Benjamin Messing With Kids In School

13 3 3

Snow School

Wadsworth St

Middletown, Connecticut

Benjamin: *takes a girl's coat*

Valerie: Give me my coat back!

Benjamin: *pushes a boy*

Arthur: Stop that!

Principal: Do you belong in this school, sir?

Benjamin: Seeing a friend.

Principal: Please leave the premises at once, or I will call the cops! You're trespassing on school property!

Benjamin: Sorry, sir.

Principal: Leave these students alone! Give Valerie her coat back, and don't push Arthur!

Benjamin: *gives Valerie her coat back* Sorry, I pushed you, Arthur.

Arthur: Uh huh.

ThrseHoel: Are you serious right now?! Get out here!

Benjamin: *leaves the school*

ThrseHoel: Ken was looking for you! Wait till I tell him, you been trespassing on school grounds, and picking on kids!

Benjamin: No!!! Please don't tell him!!

Me: Too late!

hopeslastdrop: Can you sink even lower? You know what? Don't even talk to me!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 13th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin has sunk even deeper! *facepalm* Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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