Forgetfulness In Bolivia

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Forgetfulness: *surrounded by Spanish speaking people* Where am I? Is this Mexico?

Girl: No, you're in Bolivia! It's a country here in South America, and the official language is Spanish!

Forgetfulness: I am so dumb!

Girl: I agree! You failed at Geography, didn't you?

Forgetfulness: I guess.

Girl: I bet you don't understand Spanish either!

Forgetfulness: No.

Girl: Muy estupido! *walks away*

Forgetfulness: I don't understand what she said.

This story was written on Wednesday, October 21st, 2020.

A/N F is so stupid! Spanish is spoken in Bolivia, and he assumes he is in Mexico? News flash! Spanish is spoken all throughout Latin America, including Spain! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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