There Are Boundaries

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Vanessa: I'm dying.

Dan: Oh no!!!

Vanessa: Yup.

Dan: No!

Vanessa: Joke!

Dan: Why would you joke about something like that? You had me so scared!

Vanessa: Dude, it was a joke, okay?

Mitch: Vanessa, that was not cool! Some things are not meant to be joked about, and death is one of them!

Vanessa: Aw, come on! It was just a joke!

Mitch: Dan, let's go to Burger King, and ignore Vanessa.

Dan: Okay.

Vanessa: Fine, whatever! You guys can't take a joke! Grow up!

This story was written on Saturday, October 24th, 2020.

A/N I wrote this story, because way too many people have joked about dying. It's something I don't take very lightly. Death isn't funny. I lost my cousin back in June. Joking about dying is not funny. There are boundaries. And I wanted to make Vanessa realise that, cause of her actions. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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