Playing Video Games With My Cousin

14 2 0

Randallstown, Maryland

Aunt Margie's house

Me: *in the basement playing GTA 5 with Marquetta*

Marquetta: You're really good at this game!

Me: You know it! I beat the game! *doing the mission Friends Reunited*

Marquetta: That Trevor is a crazy dude!

Me: Yup, he's a pyschopath!

Marquetta: You nailed it, cousin! You planted those sticky bombs on those trailers, without being detected by them biker dudes, and hightailed it out of there!

Me: Yep! On my way to Vespucci Beach! You can do the next mission Fame Or Shame!

Marquetta: Cool!

Me: *gives the controller to Marquetta*

Marquetta: *plays*

Aunt Margie: I got pizza!!! Come on upstairs and eat!

Me and Marquetta: Okay!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 20th, 2020.

A/N Just hanging out with family in Maryland!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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