Sick With Bronchitis And Asthma

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hopeslastdrop: *coughing hard* Darn it!

Me: Hun, you okay?

hopeslastdrop: No, I'm not okay, hun! I am sick with bronchitis, and asthma! Last time, I play out in the rain! *coughing her lungs out and wheezing*

Me: Take some medicine, hun!

hopeslastdrop: I am, sweetie, thanks for being so concerned! *coughing extremely hard* Why me? *uses her inhaler*

Me: Just drink plenty of fluids, and get some rest!

hopeslastdrop: I will, hun! *goes to sleep, and coughs so hard*

Me: Oof!

Benjamin: What's wrong with her?

Me: She's sick with bronchitis and asthma, Benjamin. Leave her alone. Let her get some rest.

hopeslastdrop: *coughing like there's no tomorrow while she's sleeping*

This story was written on Thursday, October 29th, 2020.

A/N Melissa, hope you get well soon! ❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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