We Are Wrestling An Alligator!

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Me: *sees an alligator* There he is! Let's wrestle this bad boy!

Lake247: I see you!

Alligator: *tries to get away*

Lake247: Not so fast, dude! *grabs him by his tail*

starrocksss155: *wrestles the gator* Not so tough now, are ya?

Me: *wrestles the gator* Say uncle!

Lake247: *wrestles the gator* You are so dead! *kills the gator*

Alligator: *dead*

Lake247: I'm taking him home! Later, buds!

Me: Bye!

starrocksss155: Bye!

Lake247: *drags the dead gator home*

This story was written on Wednesday, October 28th, 2020.

A/N We showed that alligator who's boss! 😁 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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