Going To Benjamin's Funeral Next Week

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Ken: Funeral arrangements have finally been made, folks! Next Friday, at 1 pm.

Me: Okay! I'll let Aunt Cookie know, and my other family members!

HermioneGranger5117: What church?

Ken: Bethany Baptist Church, in Chesapeake VA.

HermioneGranger5117: Okay.

Lake247: I gotta find something to wear for the funeral.

Kyle: Me too. Now, that I think about it, I have to take my suit to the cleaners.

Ken: Good idea. I'll do the same.

Lake247: You know what? I'm gonna wear a black dress, black nylons, and my black high heels!

Ken: Okay. Now, the next thing to do, is make hotel reservations. Let me look up some hotels in Chesapeake. And, I'll also let Jane know, that the funeral arrangements have been made for next Friday.

Emma: Who's Jane?

Ken: Benjamin's mother.

Emma: Gotcha. Should I wear my boots to the funeral?

Ken: You should probably wear your dress shoes, Emma. You don't want to trip. But, it's up to you.

Emma: Okay. Will it be closed casket?

Ken: Not sure. Benjamin's family will be up front, of course. Let me call Jane. *gets on the phone*

This story was written on Wednesday, November 4th, 2020.

A/N Funeral arrangements have finally been made!!! While Benjamin may have been a jerk, send the Jackson family your thoughts and prayers, throughout this difficult time. ❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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