Benjamin Hears About A Halloween Party At School

18 2 3

Snow School

Wadsworth St

Middletown, Connecticut

Benjamin: *once again sneaking into the school*

Miss Tyler: Class, the Halloween party is tomorrow! Please bring your costumes! No weapons allowed!

Benjamin: *eavesdropping on the conversation* Halloween party, eh?

Katie: Will there be pizza?

Miss Tyler: Yes, there will be pizza.

Katie: Yay!

Miss Tyler: Also, there will be games, and a prize for the best costume!

Benjamin: I gotta masquerade as a student! How can I pull this off?

Principal: You don't belong here, sir! Leave!

Benjamin: Sorry, sir! *leaves Snow School to go back to Thomas St* No one must know about this!

hopeslastdrop: Dude, you don't even go to this school! You better stop, before you get yourself in even more trouble!

Me: Exactly!

Benjamin: You guys can't stop me!

Undertaker: Are you Benjamin Jackson?

Benjamin: Who wants to know?

Undertaker: Everyone is sending you death threats! Your time to die will come soon! Enjoy your last remaining days on this earth! Good day! *gets back in the hearse, and drives back to Biega Funeral Home*

Benjamin: I am NOT gonna die!

hopeslastdrop: Yes, you will! Can't wait to attend your funeral!

Benjamin: There isn't gonna be no funeral!

Me: There will! Fear not!

Lake247: Hope you die in a car crash!

Benjamin: STOP!!!!!

This story was written on Thursday, October 29th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin needs to stop trespassing on school property! Benjamin hasn't that many days to live! He could die, close to Thanksgiving! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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