What A Stupid Girl

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Me: I always wanted to visit Hungary!

Amy: You're hungry?

Me: I just ate!

Amy: Go eat! You said, you were hungry!

linda0244: You idiot! He was talking about the country in Europe!

Amy: People in Europe are hungry?

linda0244: You must be missing some brain cells! Hungary is a country in Europe!

Amy: There is a country in Europe, with hungry people?

ThrseHoel: *facepalm* You have got to be the most stupidest girl on this planet!

hopeslastdrop: Amy, you are a dimwit! The country in Europe! Near Italy, kinda.

Amy: What country has hungry people?

Queen__Gryffindor: Amy, look at a map of Europe!

This story was written on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020.

A/N Amy is obviously not that smart! Hungary is a country in Europe! She needs to look at a map! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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