Doesn't Make Any Sense Whatsoever

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Brianna was writing a short story about a girl, playing the piano. She enjoyed writing so much. Her father, however, didn't like the idea of his daughter being a writer. He thought, she was wasting her time. "You're never gonna make it in this world, as a writer!" he said.

"Sure, I will!" said Briana, defensively.

"If you keep writing, I am gonna make an appointment with your dentist, so you can get your tooth pulled!" said her father.

"Why would I get my tooth pulled, since I love to write?" asked Brianna, with raised eyebrows.

"Writing causes tooth decay!" said her father.

"No, it doesn't, Dad!" said Brianna. "Not brushing your teeth causes tooth decay!"

"That does it! I'm calling the dentist! You're gonna be eating mashed potatoes for a while!" Her father was about to get on the phone, when her mother stopped him.

"You are not gonna call the dentist, to have her tooth pulled, just because she loves to write!" yelled her mother. "None of what you said, made any sense!"

"Let me call the dentist, please!" demanded her father.

"No! Brianna, keep writing, okay?" said her mother.

"Okay, Mom!" said Brianna.

"If your tooth starts to hurt, I'm calling the dentist!" said her father.

"Okay, that's enough!" barked her mother. "You can sleep on the couch, tonight!"

Her father was dumbfounded. Not knowing what to do, he stepped outside, and thought about what he said to Brianna. Her teeth was just fine, and there was no need to go to the dentist.

This story was written on Friday, October 9th, 2020.

A/N You can't get a tooth pulled, just because you enjoy writing! Brianna's father makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever! I'm glad his wife, told him to sleep on the couch! She should divorce him! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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