Benjamin's Body Has Been Shipped To Virginia

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Ken: His body has been shipped to VA.

Iris: Okay.

Me: I spoke to my Aunt Margie about Benjamin. She and Marquetta plan on attending his funeral.

Ken: Okay. Funeral arrangements should be made by Wednesday.

Emma: So, it's gonna be at a church in VA?

Ken: Correct.

Kyle: Will I have to let my teachers know, that I will be out of town?

Ken: Most likely.

Kyle: Who's going to the funeral?

Me: Most of my family members. My cousin Ervin is bringing Aunt Doll and Ty down to VA.

Kyle: Okay.

Ken: Sagat is coming. Also Becky.

Kyle: Wow.

Ken: Yup.

This story was written on Monday, November 2nd, 2020.

A/N Pretty soon, funeral arrangements will be made. Benjamin's body has already been shipped to Virginia. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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