Benjamin Has Sunk Even Lower

16 3 5

Snow School

Wadsworth St

Middletown, Connecticut

Benjamin: What should I do?

Mary: *in the cafeteria eating her lunch*

Benjamin: I got it! *snaps his finger*

Mary: *drinking her milk*

Benjamin: *walks into the cafeteria, and snatches Mary's lunch tray, and dumps her food into the garbage*

Mary: Dude!!!! Are you kidding me?!

Benjamin: *does the same to the other 5th graders*

Principal: Get out!!!

Benjamin: *runs out of the school, and back to Thomas St*

becco_ol: Who was that dude?

Me: Long story.....

This story was written on Monday, October 26th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin, you are gonna die!!!!!! You're a complete pyschopath!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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