Benjamin At The Halloween Party

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Snow School

Wadsworth St

Middletown, Connecticut

Benjamin: *sees all the students in costumes*

Elizabeth: *dressed as Cinderella* Hey, handsome! You like my Cinderella costume?

Benjamin: Hubba hubba! You look razzle dazzle, girly!

Elizabeth: *giggles* Thanks! You look good in your Freddy Kruger costume!

Benjamin: Thanks so much!

Wayne: You're just in time for the Halloween party parade! Get in line! *dressed as Jack Skeleton from The Nightmare Before Christmas*

Benjamin: *gets in line*

Principal: *plays Monster Mash*

Everyone: *parading throughout the entire school*

Benjamin: This is awesome! Nothing can go wrong! Absolutely nothing! *parading*

Lake247: *spying from outside* He is gonna be in so much trouble!

Principal: Pizzas have been delivered!! Help yourselves to pizza and soda!!!

Elizabeth: Yay!!! *gets some pepperoni pizza, and a can of Sprite*

Benjamin: *gets some pepperoni pizza*

Sam: *dressed up as Liu Kang from Mortal Kombat* Why are we having the Halloween party, today? Halloween is tomorrow.

Michelle: *dressed up as a mermaid* There is no school on Saturdays, Sam.

Sam: Oh, makes sense. *eating his pizza*

Ken: *snatches Benjamin away*

Benjamin: Dude! Let me go!!

Elizabeth: Hey, leave him alone!

Wayne: Let him go!

Principal: Just what is the meaning of this? State your business, sir!

Ken: He doesn't go to this school!

Principal: He told me, that someone invited him!

Elizabeth: I didn't invite him.

Wayne: Neither did I.

Sam: Nope.

Michelle: Not me. None of us did.

Principal: So, he's trespassing?

Ken: Pretty much! He's 33 years old!

Elizabeth: He lied to me! He said he was 16!!!

Students: *glaring at Benjamin*

Benjamin: I can explain!

Ken: Get in the car!!!! You're in so much trouble!!

Elizabeth: Hey, I know who you are! You were the one that was bullying someone here!!! You think you could fool me?!

Benjamin: I'm so sorry!

Sam: Beat it! We don't tolerate bullying here!

Ken: *grabs Benjamin by his arm and takes him to the car* YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!

Lake247: Dude, you are so stupid!!!!

Benjamin: I just wanted to mingle!

Ken: With a bunch of kids?!!!! Have you lost your mind?! You are so gonna die!!!!!

Benjamin: I am NOT gonna die!!!

Ken: Shut up! Get in the car!

This story was written on Friday, October 30th, 2020. (All Hallow's Eve)

A/N Ya see? Benjamin is pushing his boundaries!!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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