A Disagreement About Peanut Butter

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"I prefer smooth peanut butter," said Elizabeth, holding a jar of Skippy smooth peanut butter.

"Well, I prefer crunchy peanut butter!" said Jessica. "I will not make my peanut butter sandwich, until you go to the supermarket, and get me some crunchy peanut butter!"

"Girl, what are you on about? Peanut butter is peanut butter!" said Elizabeth.

"I already told you, I want the crunchy kind!" protested Jessica.

"And, I said, I prefer the smooth kind!" snapped Elizabeth. "Take it, or leave it!"

"What's all this arguing about?" demanded Elizabeth's mother.

"Jessica wants me to go to the supermarket, and get her a jar of crunchy peanut butter, but I told her I prefer smooth peanut butter!" said Elizabeth.

"You will go to the supermarket, and get me some crunchy peanut butter!" demanded Jessica.

"Girls, cut it out!" yelled Elizabeth's mother. "This is childish! Fighting over peanut butter! There is some crunchy peanut butter in this cabinet!" And, she opened the cabinet, and got out the jar of crunchy peanut butter for Jessica to use for her sandwich. "No more fighting, you got it?"

"Yes, Mom," said Elizabeth.

"Yes, Miss Tracey," said Jessica. She spread some crunchy peanut butter on her bread, and ate her sandwich, while Elizabeth spread some smooth peanut butter, on her celery sticks.

This story was written on Sunday, October 11th, 2020. (Clergy Appreciation Day)

A/N This was a writing prompt, I found online. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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