Not Sharing My Pizza With You Benjamin

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HermioneGranger5117: *eating pepperoni pizza*

Benjamin: Can I have some?

HermioneGranger5117: No!

Benjamin: What? Why not?

HermioneGranger5117: Cause, you are a jerk, and you're always mean to Will! I will only share my pizza with him! Babe, have some of my pizza!

Me: Thanks, babe! *takes some pepperoni pizza*

HermioneGranger5117: No problem, dude! I love you!

Me: I love you, too!

Benjamin: What about me?

Kyle: No! Nobody loves you! You're too annoying!

This story was written on Friday, October 9th, 2020.

A/N Lucy is so sweet! Sharing her pizza with me! Benjamin doesn't get any! None of us love him, as Kyle stated! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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