Telling Her Family That Benjamin Died

18 3 4

Durham, North Carolina

Aunt Cookie: Destinee, Irmani, can you come here, please?

Destinee: What happened?

Irmani: What happened?

Aunt Cookie: You know Benjamin, right?

Destinee: Yes.

Irmani: Yeah.

Aunt Cookie: He died last night.

Destinee: Oh dear! Was he ill?

Aunt Cookie: He got hit by a train.

Destinee: Oh dear, that's terrible! I'll pray for his family!

Irmani: How old was he?

Aunt Cookie: 33. That's still young.

Destinee: He was a good guy.

Aunt Cookie: Not really. He was rude. William told me. He told me that Benjamin died, and you girls were both in bed, so I thought I tell you at a different time.

Irmani: I see. Are we going to his funeral?

Aunt Cookie: Yes, when funeral arrangements have been made. William will keep me posted.

Destinee: Okay.

This story was written on Sunday, November 1st, 2020.

A/N Word is getting around about Benjamin's death!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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