If You Want Your Pizza You Have To Sing!

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At Little Caesars.....

Little Caesars Employee: What can I get you?

linda0244: A cheese pizza, please!

Little Caesars Employee: You will have to sing, first.

linda0244: Sing? Oh, heck to the no! I am not singing!

Little Caesars Employee: If you want your pizza, you have to sing! Now, sing!

linda0244: Unbelievable! *starts singing Off The Wall by Michael Jackson*

Little Caesars Employee: Ah yeah, that's a classic! *gives Linda her pizza*

linda0244: *sighs exasperated and leaves Little Caesars with her pizza*

This story was written on Saturday, October 17th, 2020.

A/N Since when did customers had to sing at Little Caesars, if they wanted pizza? 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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