Benjamin Wants To Leave The Country

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Benjamin: I got to get out of the country! I keep receiving death threats!

Man: Nothing I can do about it. You done some radical things!

Benjamin: I screwed up, yes, but I don't think death threats are the answer!

Man: Where would you go to?

Benjamin: Russia.

Man: Do you honestly think you will be safe in Russia? You don't even speak the language.

Benjamin: I'll learn it!

Man: Russian is a difficult language! And, you have to learn the Russian alphabet!

Benjamin: Darn it!

Man: I don't know what to tell you, buddy! You need to own up to your actions!

This story was written on Thursday, October 29th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin wants to flee the country! He's a coward! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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