Eating Pancakes For Dinner

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olivegarden14: *eating pancakes for dinner* Yummy!

Matthew: Who eats pancakes for dinner? Are you some kind of weirdo, or something?

olivegarden14: *squirts syrup on Matthew* Shut up, and mind your own business!

Matthew: Girl, what's your problem?! *covered in syrup*

olivegarden14: Hey, you started it! And, just what are you doing in my house? Get going, before I call the sheriff!

Matthew: This isn't over! *leaves her house*

olivegarden14: I eat pancakes for dinner, and he has no say in the matter!

This story was written on Thursday, November 5th, 2020.

A/N Matthew, shut up, and mind your own business! I ate pancakes for dinner, a bunch of times! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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