Benjamin Gets His Butt Whooped

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Benjamin: *knocking things off the shelves in the supermarket*

Store Employee: What is your problem?! I just restocked these shelves!

Benjamin: You can't stop me!!! *knocks more items off their shelves*

Ramenking_Tostadas: This ends now!!

Benjamin: Or what?

Ramenking_Tostadas: *starts beating up Benjamin, by kicking him in the stomach, and pile driving him to the ground* NOT SO TOUGH NOW ARE YA?!!!!!! YOU CAUSED WAY TOO MUCH DAMAGE ALREADY!!!! *pushes Benjamin into the wall, and smashes a jar of pickles on him*

Crowd: Fight, fight, fight, fight!

Me: Yes!!!! Finally!!!!

Ramenking_Tostadas: *opens some hot sauce and puts it in Benjamin's mouth*

Benjamin: *mouth burning* I NEED WATER!!!!!!!!

Ramenking_Tostadas: *opens a jar of water, and splashes it on Benjamin*

Benjamin: *mouth still on fire* I MEANT FOR MY MOUTH!!!!!

Ramenking_Tostadas: You listen to me, amigo! If you so much as cause any kind of trouble to anyone, I will arrange your funeral!!! Comprende, amigo?!!!

Benjamin: Yes!!!

Ramenking_Tostadas: Good! Now, vamoose! Andalae!

Benjamin: *runs out of the supermarket in fear and in search of water*

Crowd: *cheering*

Me: That was fantastic, sugar!!!

ThrseHoel: About time, he got put in his place!!

linda0244: He got the snot beat out of him!!!!

Ramenking_Tostadas: He sure did! I got my eye on him!!! Man, that felt good!

This story was written on Monday, October 19th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin got his butt whooped!!! He better keep his distance!!!! All thanks to the beautiful senorita, Ramenking_Tostadas! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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