Benjamin Shut Up Already!

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Benjamin: *singing* You Guys Are My Best Friends In The Whole Wide World!

Me: *covers my ears* Oh my gosh, stop singing!

ThrseHoel: *covers her ears* Him being obnoxious is one thing, but this is too much!!!

Benjamin: *still singing* You Are My Buddies!

Kyle: He acts like a 5 year old, singing like that!

linda0244: *covers her ears* Make him stop!!!!!!!!!

hopeslastdrop: THAT TEARS IT!!!!!! *grabs Benjamin, puts him in the casket, slams it shut, and sits on it* SHUT UP, ALREADY!!!!!

Benjamin: *from inside the casket still singing* Buddies Are There For You When......

hopeslastdrop: *still sitting on the casket* He ain't getting out, anytime soon!

This story was written on Thursday, October 8th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin is proving to be quite the annoying pest! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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