Drinking Dishwashing Detergent?? Really??

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Amy: I'm thirsty.

Me: Get a drink, then!

Amy: I'll drink this lemonade. *opens up some Dawn lemon flavored dishwasher detergent and pours it into a cup*

hopeslastdrop: Is she serious?

Queen__Gryffindor: I'll call Poison Control.

Amy: *drinks her 'lemonade'* This lemonade taste kind of strange. *gags* Help!!!! I drank some dishwashing detergent!!! Help!!!!

HermioneGranger5117: You should have read it clearly, stupid! That's fatal!

Amy: Someone help me!!!!!

Time skip.....

Poison Control Man: Looks like everything is all set. You okay, girl?

Amy: Yes.

Poison Control Man: Good! Take care!

This story was written on Wednesday, October 14th, 2020.

A/N Amy is such an idiot!!! She's lucky that Poison Control came in the nick of time! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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