Beautiful Morning For Fishing

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Josefina was out by the lake, doing some fishing. It was a beautiful morning for it. She got leftover pizza crusts for bait. She was an avid fishergirl. She had on her tall, black rubber boots on, in case she had to go deep into the water.

A fish was swimming by, and saw the pizza crust. He was a big fish. He bit on the crust, and was caught on the hook. "Yes, I got a bite!" exclaimed Josefina. She reeled him, as best as she could. The fish tried in vain to escape from the hook.

Josefina caught the fish, and was amazed at how big he was. "Whoa!" she whistled. "I am gonna fry this bad boy tonight for dinner!"

And, that's exactly what she did.

This story was written on Thursday, October 22nd, 2020.

A/N The fish lost the battle! RIP, fish! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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