Traffic On The New Jersey Turnpike

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Donna was stuck in traffic on the New Jersey Turnpike. She was on her way to Delaware. Traffic was moving at a slow pace, due to road work. It looked like rain as well. "This is ridiculous!" she protested. "Only one lane is open!"

Time passed on, and Donna's eyelids, started to droop. She stopped at the Walt Whitman Service Area, off the turnpike, and that's when traffic finally sped up.

"Time for sleep," she moaned. She shut off the engine, and fell into a deep sleep.

Two hours went by, and Donna woke up from her slumber. She got back on the turnpike, and continued on her journey to Delaware. But, it started pouring, and the visibility was greatly reduced, making traffic come to a grinding halt, yet again.

"Aw, come on!" Donna growled.

This story was written on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020.

A/N Will Donna make it to Delaware, eventually? Let's hope so! 😊 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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