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I was 15. I had and 18 year old brother, a 6 year old sister, a beautiful mum and a caring father. But that soon changed when a truck hit the back of our white BMW. I remember everyone screaming as the car spun across the road and finally smashing against a fence. After that, everything went black.

The next thing I know, I wake up in a hospital bed and slowly open my eyes but instantly shut them again because the lights were blinding me. I tried to sit up but I was too weak, so I collapsed back on the bed.

Then they came. And by they I mean three nurses. They came rushing in the door and asked me millions of questions.

"Are you okay?"

"How long have you been awake?"

"Do you remember any thing?"

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

"Do you know what happened?"

I didn't respond. I didn't know how to. I just lay on the bed, staring at them with wide eyes. I felt uncomfortable being surrounded by three unfamiliar people.

Luckily, someone professional soon came through the door. He was called Dr. Miller. His first name was Andy, I knew this because my father used to work with him. He was a friendly middle aged man with brown hair.

He told the nurses to leave and gave me a smile. I wanted to smile back but I didn't have the energy to do so.

"How are you, Liv?" He asked me. I'm glad he didn't call me Olivia; he knew me that well.

"I- I'm not sure, Okay I guess, where's my family?" I struggled with the words; my voice was so weak.


"Where are they? Are they here? I need to see them." I was becoming anxious. I needed to see my little sister, Lexi.

"Liv, calm down," Andy said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

As I studied his face, I noticed something. Sorrow and Sadness. His expression was sorrowful and full of sympathy.

"They're okay, right?" my voice was barely louder than a whisper. Andy didn't need to answer. I could see it in his face.

They didn't make it.

I felt tears rising in my eyes, and I wasn't afraid to let them fall.

They were gone.

Lexi, my six year old sister who had just started school. I would never be able to hear her adorable laughter ever again. She was gone.

My eighteen year old brother, Logan. I would never get to hear him play his guitar again and he wouldn't be able to live his dream as a rock star; because he was gone too.

My hard working dad and caring mum, I would never get to hear their voices again. I would no longer get to tell them how much I loved them.

It was funny and sad at the same time, that I only now appreciate the things they did for me but I took them for granted.

I sobbed in my hands and I felt Andy's hand rubbing my back. It was a nice gesture, It was meant to feel comforting but it felt like so much more. It felt like someone cared, like I wasn't alone.

But that feeling soon disappeared again.

"What's going to happen to me?" I asked Andy and he seemed to be deep in thought.

"I wouldn't mind if you stayed with me and my daughter, but..."

"But what?"

"There's been another proposal. You see, your mother's old friend stopped by while you were unconscious. We told her that you were the only survivor and she insisted for you to come and live with her family." He replied.

"What? why? I haven't even met this woman, why would she think I would agree to live with her?" I said and looked down at my hands. It's bad enough that my family is dead, but living with total strangers? No way.

"Liv, this would be so much easier for you. She knew your mother, they were very close. You're like family to her. I know she lives far away but you would feel much more at home with her,"

"Whe-where does she live?" I cant believe I'm actually considering this.

"Australia, she lives in Australia."

Lisa, my mothers friend came to see me soon after Andy left. She rushed through the door and gave me a hug. I was very confused by this but I hugged her back. I liked the feeling that maybe there was someone left who cares.

"Oh, Olivia I'm so sorry" she said and hugged me tightly. I slowly pulled back and offered her a smile.

"Call me Liv," I said weakly. Lisa gave me a soft smile and took my small hands in her slightly bigger ones.

"So, what do you say Liv? Do you want to come and live with me and my family in Australia? Just think, you could start over and forget everything that happened, here in England." she persuaded.

I thought about her offer, I knew I couldn't forget my family and I don't think I would ever be able to get over this. But it was worth a try.

"Yes, I want to come to Australia with you,"

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