1. Winter

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December 12th. It's officially been over a month since I last saw everyone.

The only reason I even knew what day it was is because I still had Snow's phone on me. No signal, no reception, no internet; the battery was almost dead, too. Even her face on the screen was starting to lose what little comfort it gave me. I sighed and turned it off again, shoving it back into my pocket before mindlessly running my thumb over the pendant that sat on my chest.

I'd never been one to like being awake early but here I was, sitting on the roof of Operator's shitty little mansion in the woods while I watched the rays of sunlight peek over the horizon. I slept during the day most of the time now, opposite the others' schedule so I wouldn't have to interact with them unless I had to. Everyone was pretty bitter I cashed in my own bounty and there was a general resentment toward me, something I fully understood.

Well, almost everyone resented me.

"Hey, Jeff honey, food's done."

"I'll be in soon, thank you," I turned to see a head of red hair poking through the skylight, a singular red eye sparkling warmly while she smiled at me. Ann was still the same as she had been when we originally met except now she was, well, undead. I counted the stitched lines in her skin that held her together as she disappeared back inside and took a deep breath, pulling myself to my feet so I could follow after her.

The house was big, with more rooms than I could count and electricity, so it wasn't really as bad as I made it out to be. I pushed my sleeves up as I walked down the stairs and ran a hand over the scars that had appeared from my battle with Habit's monster. They apparently called it 'Rake' around here but no one had seen it since we killed Habit's skin-suit, Evan. Good riddance, if I ever saw it again I was going to punt it as far as I could.

Ann disappeared into the kitchen and I stood straighter as I walked in. Toby sat at the table with his legs kicked up and I did what I could to ignore him whenever we had to be in the same room together. Ann handed me a plate and I thanked her again before we both took a seat as far away from him as we could. She was always the mediator between me and the rest of the house and while I hadn't initially liked the idea of bringing back the dead at first, I was glad she was here and away from my brother. The first night I arrived and saw her sitting on the stairs I just about broke down when she screamed my name. Liu had done...awful, despicable things to her body and the Operator had been kind enough to bring her back with him after seeing the carnage. He did one good thing at least.

"Oh Toby, remind me tonight and I'll patch up that tear for you," Ann spoke up as she talked to the ticking man.

"Really? Th-Thank you, it's starting to get cold as fuck outside," he laughed before taking a jab at me, "my n-nerve endings might be fried like Bleach Boy's b-but I can still get frostbite."

"Bite me, Two-Face," I grumbled around a sausage link as I flipped him off.

"Rouge and I a-are heading into town later to get some supplies, need anything Ann?"

"If you could grab some more veggies I'd appreciate it," she beamed, "maybe some more detergent too, I think we're running low."

"Speaking of town, when's that fucker going to let me off house arrest?" I asked no one in particular.

"Considering he knows you'd t-try some dumb shit like when you first showed up, probably never," Toby snorted, "not unless he sends one of us as a babysitter."

I'd gotten curious to see how far out from civilization we really were one night and wandered out into the surrounding woods. Turns out we were pretty fuckin' secluded and he had to come retrieve my ass after a few hours of being lost out there. I was the only 'proxy' that hadn't shown up willingly so they were hesitant to let me do anything beyond stalk around the house, bored out of my mind.

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