1. Welcome to Diagon Alley

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It had now been 5 years since the battle of Hogwarts took place and It was safe to say that It did not often come to Eleanors mind.

Ever since she had graduated from Hogwarts, She busied herself with studying wand law and saving up all her money to afford a shop of her own.
She spent her time working weekends at a small pub that laid just around the corner from her school, it was easy money and helped a lot in being able to afford her basic things as well as putting some aside for savings.

Ever since her parents passed away 2 years previous, she did not have much time for social gatherings or for seeing anyone, she spent most of her time cooped up studying for her tests or working down at the pub. Things had much changed from her times at Hogwarts where she spent her breaks at the burrow or conducting pranks at Hogwarts with Fred and George.

Unfortunately she didn't stay in touch with any of her fellow class mates. It had seemed that everyone went on to do their own thing as life took its toll on the bunch.
She often wondered what they might be up to nowadays, especially George.
After all this time, she still thought about them and sometimes even wished that things could back to the way they were. Life seemed easier back then, even with everything going on.

It had all majorly changed for Eleanor and now that she had completed her degree in wand law. It was finally time for her to go and fulfil her dreams.


"Ahhh" Eleanor sighed as she stepped out of the floo chimney inside the leaky cauldron. The familiar scent of butter beer began floating around her and the sight of scattered witches and wizards sat at different tables fell into her vision.

The leaky cauldron had not changed one bit since she had last set foot in here. It held the same rustic feel to it and the fact that the people in there still held a grumpy expression on their face confirmed to her that she was most definitely in the right place.

Eleanor made her way through the small closed in pub, darting her way through tables until she found her way out into the Main Street of Diagon alley.

Anything to get out of that pub. Nobody ever seemed overly friendly in there.

Eleanors face beamed at the sight that welcomed her into the very different but familiar street. Every shop that was once destroyed after the battle was now brand spanking new, packed with people and gaining loads of business.
She hadn't been here since her last year of school so she couldn't help but feel nostalgic about it.

Diagon alley had obviously restored back to its former glory and Eleanor could not wait to be a proud owner of one of the shops there.

She began making her way up the cobbled street, looking in every shop as she passed.

Wow, even Florean Fortescues ice cream parlour is still open Eleanor thought.

Her parents first introduced her to this shop at the age of 11 and every time they visited, they came and got an ice cream together. It had somewhat become a tradition for her and her family and even on her school breaks, she often found herself coming here with Fred and George.
but those memories seemed distant now.

She continued to make her way up to the far end of the street where she found the small abandoned shop that she was looking for.
It laid quietly in the corner where the blinds were closed in either window and was the only shop in the street that remained completely in the dark.
The structure of the shop seemed completely worn as the original paint that laid upon it was streaking off and the previous letters that were once on the sign lay stained into the entrance.

"This must be it" Eleanor said to herself as she ruffled her hands inside her pockets in search for the key that she had been given.
She dug her hand in deep and at last pulled out a small slender golden key.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now