Chapter 47: It's Been a Hell of a Ride

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About 30 minutes later...
Jo's POV

The room is dark.

And cold.

And it feels like everyone is watching.

  One of my dads goons pushes me into the room as he tries to find the light switch. Once the lights are on, the room feels even colder.

  "Sit in the chair and we'll bring everyone in one by one. Just pound on the door when you're done," he tells me and I nod.

  I go sit down in the folding chair and it's about a minute later when the door is being pushed open again and Felix is the one being pushed in.

  "What the hell is this?" He asks me and I smile sadly.

  "A final goodbye," I say softly and he comes to sit in the folding chair.

  "I don't get it, you're just going back to him? After everything?" He asks and I look away from him as I nod. "Bullshit! This is actually bullshit!" He yells and I sigh softly.

  "They're gonna kill one of us..." I blurt out softly and he looks at me dead in the eye.

  "And it's not gonna be you," he states more then asks. Which hurts, but I completely understand.

  "Not likely..." I say softly and he rubs his face with his hands.

  "Well who do you think it's gonna be? Me? Morgan? Hero? I would say Jack but I know you just think he has a stick up his ass," he says and I chuckle.

  "I don't know who it's gonna be... my bets are on Hero but at this point I have no idea." I say softly and bite my lip. I lean back and look at him. He's thinking... why is he thinking so hard.

  "You really don't know...?" He asks softly and I nod.

  "I have no idea... it can be any of us at this point," I say softly and mess with my hair.

  "But you don't think it'll be you?" He asks this time and I sigh.

  "I would say that, but it would be naïve." I say and he nods. "Whatever happens Felix... I'm sorry," I say softly and he nods.

  "I'm done here Jo... you made some kind of deal with them and I don't wanna know what it is. But I do know that you're not the same person who I held a gun to and they just blinked." He tells me and I close my eyes and nod.

  "People change..." I mumble and open my eyes. He shakes his head though.

  "Not that drastically." He says coldly and I sigh softly and get up. I go and bang on the door and I go back to my seat.

  The guy comes in and gets Felix to stand up and drags him out. The door closes and I put my head in my hands. What have I done? Did I make a big mistake? Felix is right, people don't change like this. I'm making all that shit up.

  The door opens again and I see Jack being pushed in. Lovely... exactly what I want.

  "Jack, take a seat." I say softly and he stares at me.

  "Why am I here?" He asks me and I sigh softly.

"Would you rather me be blunt, or would you like me to beat around the bush?" I ask and he glared at me. "We'll go with the blunt version then, one of us is going to get killed, so it's a final goodbye." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"And you wanted to say goodbye to me?" He asks and I laugh a bit.

"No, but I said to just send you all in and that included you," I say and he laughs this time.

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