Chapter 13: Somebody That I Used to Know

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12 years ago

Hero's POV

All I have is her.

Once she's gone I'm all alone again.

That's right, again.

  My mom is named Isabella, and she's not that old. I mean she's older then my 8 year old ass but she looks 700 years older.

She did drugs.

The drugs made her sick just like dad.

  "H-hero," she coughs and I move over to her. I don't really know what's wrong with her, but she's all I have left and she's really sick.

  "Yeah mom?" I ask and take the wet cloth, dancing her head.

  "Where are your siblings?" She asks and I look her her...

  "Mum, they died three years ago with dad," I say and she looks at me.

The three of them died in a car accident. My dad was high, Titan couldn't drive and poor Mercy is only 4 years old.

  "Out! Get out!" She yells at me and I grab the little bit of cash I have on the table and make my way down to the cafeteria.

  After eating a sandwich, I go back up to the room. I just hope mum is okay... I've been watching her slowly die for about a year. I don't get why she can't just get better.

  "Hero honey, can you come here?" The nurse names Victoria asks me. I smile a bit and nod.

  "Yeah, is something wrong?" I ask and start going towards the door.

  She grabs my arm and looks at me. "I'm so sorry Hero... she's gone," which is her nice way of telling me she's dead.

  Tears run into my eyes and I run into the room. There my mum lies with the machine beeping, but it's not like before, it's just a straight sound. The other nurses are cleaning the machines.

  "Well aren't they gonna fix her?" I ask Victoria and she shakes her head. The young girl wipes my eyes and I shake my head. I go over to my mom and hug her... well her body. She's... cold now. She was always cold but now it's just, different I guess.

  I feel this... thing come to me. It's like this thing makes my chest hard. I remove myself from her body and wipe the tears that have fallen and are filling my eyes.

  "Goodbye mum... you can finally be with the rest of family," I say and when I turn back to the nurse someone is standing next to her. Who is he?

"Hero, your mother didn't want a funeral, so you have to go with social services now since your father is also dead." Victoria informs me and I look at her, surely wide eyed. Am I going into foster care? I don't wanna be in foster care?

"I'm Nathen, I'll make sure you're taken care of," he says and I look back at my mum as they cover her as I'm dragged away from the door.

Present day

It's like I walked into a mental wall.

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