Chapter 50: Bleeding Through

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Jo's POV
24 minutes left...

It's slipping.

Life is slowly slipping away from me.

  I stumble against the wall and squeeze my eyes shut as I try not to groan. Fuck this sucks, and I get that's the point but it just hurts. I guess that's the best way to put it.

It fucking hurts.

I push myself off the wall, I can't stand here forever. I don't even have forever anymore...

I then see my least favorite person, well now second least favorite person, Dean. "Dean," I say and stumble over to him.

"Jo? What the hell?" He asks and kinda catches me by one of my arms.

"My dad fucking stabbed me in hopes of me bleeding out," I say and he looks down at me like I'm insane.

"So let me bring you to the hospital or something," he tells me and I shake my head.

"No... no, I don't have time. Bring me to Hero," he shakes his head to me. "Please I barely have 20 minutes left," I beg and he reluctantly nods and quickly rushes me through the hallway.

I don't even want to notice the blood I'm trailing through the hallways. I guess it'll be easier for my dad to find my body.

I'm just happy that I'll get to see him one last time. One real, last goodbye.

I hate knowing that I'm dying. I feel like I can feel the life slowly draining from my body. I can fell it draining all the way onto the floor.

I groan as Dean pushes me toward the wall to stabilize me. He gets his keys out and opens the door for me. "I'm sorry Jo," he says to me and roll my eyes at him before stumbling in.

"Jo?" I hear Hero say roughly and I fall to the floor. He rushes over to me and makes me sit up on his knee.

"He isn't gonna kill you..." I say and take a deep breath. Hero furrows his brows and I watch him scan my body and reach my abdomen. "He's killing me instead," I say softly and keep my head on him more by leaning back.

"How long... how much time do I have left with you?" He says and I hear his voice break. He's crying.

"About 15 minutes," I say and take another deep breath.

"How are you feeling?" He asks softly and I smile up at him.

"I feel tired... I feel like my life is slipping away from me," I say and I can't help the tears that are running down my face.

"Please stay away for me," he says and I nod.

"I will... but Hero..." I say and he keeps playing with my hair a little bit. "I need you to promise me something," I say and cough a bit.

"Yeah princess? I'll do anything," he tells me and I smile softly.

"Find someone else who will love you like I love you," I say and feel the tears soak my face and start dropping to my neck.

"No, no baby I can't do that," he tells me and I shake my head as much as I can. I reach my bloody hand up to his face and watch as the dry blood doesn't go to his beautiful face.

"You have too... because if you don't you're going to be wishing... wishing you did something different when there is absolutely nothing you could've done to stop this outcome," I say and I wipe his wet cheek.

He leans down and kisses me, and I don't even know how long. But I want it to be forever. He parts his lips from me and pulls me up so my back is against his chest.

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