Chapter 41: Love Is a Devil

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About a week later
Jo's POV

I haven't been able to sleep since our fight.

If you can even call it that.

Morgan's been giving me updates everyday or so but I just stay here, bored out of my mind. Hero's place is a lot more fun.

I mess with one of the coloring pencils I have and look down at the scramble of letters I have on the paper. So this is what I'm calling art now. Fantastic.

Apparently Hero still hasn't calmed down from our fight. He keeps breaking things, so Morgan says at least. I don't know if it's real or bullshit so I'm believing the ladder.

I rip the piece of paper from the notepad I was 'drawing' on and something catches my eye. It looks like... a checklist?

The plan

Good title Morgan, not suspicious at all. I keep reading, trying to keep my sarcastic thoughts to myself.

1- kidnap her. Most likely from Hotel Capri
2- bring her back here. See how she reacts
3- lock her up. Leave her there and obviously feed her.
4- make the deal.
5a-give her back if deal goes well
5b- kill her if deal goes bad

What the actual hell is this? Some of this sounds like what happened to me... was this supposed to happen to me?

Luckily, the person who gave me the notepad just walked through the doors. "Morgan," I say and rip the paper out of the notepad.

"Yeah JoJo," he says and I shove the paper toward his chest.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask and he takes it from my hand and reads it. His face drops and becomes pale.

"Jo..." he says and I bite my lip.

"That's what you were gonna do to me? Right? That was the whole plan. To kill me?!" I yell and I feel the tears forming.

"Yes, it was until Hero feel for you," he says softly and I shake my head.

"How's the bastard anyway?! Is he fucking bitches like he used too?!" I yell and Morgan's face turns serious.

"We both know that he wouldn't do that anymore, and he's broken Jo." He tells me and I push him out of the way. "Where are you going?!" He yells after me but I just slam the door on him.

I walk, and I don't know where I'm walking to but I just start walking. I stop in the middle of this clearing. It looks like it was cleared for another house that was never built. I drop to my knees and take a deep breath as I let the tears roll down my face.

I can't believe this is what my life has come too. I went from hating my life to finding out so many bitter truths. I love Hero so much yet he hurt me so badly. It wasn't even his fault either. It was mine. It's always mine.

I look up at the stars and smile at how I can create my own pattern out of them. It feels good to be as to do that even if I can't do anything else.

I don't know how long I'm out here, but I do know that at some point someone is running to me. "Jo, what the fuck?!" He yells, but it's not in a mean way, he's worried.

He hugs me from behind and I grab his arms that wrapped around me. "We've been looking for you," he says into my ear and I lean back into him. It feels good to be in his arms again. I need him, I can't have him leaving me.

"I've been right here," I say softly and he doesn't loosen his grip on me. I keep looking up and looking at the stars mostly. They're so beautiful. I think I wanna be a star when I die.

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