Chapter 23: The Whole Package

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A few days later
Jo's POV

  "Help me!" I scream up to Felix as I hold Hero's body in my hands.

  This is not what was supposed to happen today, or any day. But I guess we just keep getting hit with a bad luck stick. "Felix, he's dying!" I cry, suppressing the shivers that are trying to rake through my body.

  Felix looks at me from the top of the hill like a deer in headlights. Good lord he's useless. I look down at Hero's paling body that lays in my arms. I lay him on the rocks and start doing chest compressions.

I will not let him die.

19 hours before

Have you ever felt like you're drowning?

Like one or more emotion just taking over.

Not knowing how to react.

Like the words I love you.

I think I love him.

My mind keeps screaming at me. This man kidnapped me, pointed guns at my face and choked me. How in the actual hell could I love him.

My own family tried to kill me, and even though I've been put in some very... life threatening situations with him. But yet again I feel safer with him.

It's messed up logic.

But logic nonetheless.

I look at him, sleeping peacefully next to me. He's not worried about the words he's said, or the actions he's done. I mess with my hair and lay back down from my sitting position.

I prop myself up on my elbow and sigh softly, and then run my fingers through his hair. His face turns into a small smile so I continue doing it. His arms snake out from wherever they were and snake around to hold my waist.

My hand stops a bit, and he pouts. "Mm, keep going," he says and I smile, so I do. He's so adorable like this. So peaceful, and so...heartwarming. "What day is it?" He mumbles and I smile softly.

"It's Saturday," I say softly and kiss his forehead. His smile returns and his head buries into my chest more.

"We have to go to the club tonight," he tells me and I kiss the top of his head.

"I know..." I tell him and start littering his face in kisses. He chuckles and tightens his grip on my waist, flipping us so that he's on top of me.

  Instead of doing what I expect him to do, which is kiss my neck, he start littering my face with kisses. Mimicking what I did to him.

  "Hero!" I giggle and he smiles as he continues to do it. "I surrender! I surrender!" I yell and he stops with a big ass grin on his face.

  "Your adorable when your face is all flushed like this," he says in his raspy morning voice as he gently rubs my cheek with the pad of his thumb. When I tell you I melt under his touch, I feel like I'm now apart of the sheets.

  "You're morning hair is sexy," I say and run my hands through it, tugging at the roots. I watch his face as he groans, leaning down and planting kisses on my neck.

  "Is it baby?" He asks me and my breathing gets heavier. "I'm looking for an answer," he says about a minute after me not answering. He used his more dominant, more serious voice too. The voice that turns me the fuck on.

  "Ye-yeah," I moan out and he releases my neck from his lips. His eyes scan my body before he pulls his shirt up that's covering my body. His kisses are sweet, gently even, as he trails them down my stomach.

  "You taste so good baby girl, but I really want to taste you," he says against the band of my panties. Oh god he's gonna be both the life and death of me.

  "Mhmmm," I manage to get out, my thoughts currently being clouded with all the different ways he could taste me. All the different ways I want him to taste me.

  His cold hands move down my warm body, leaving goosebumps behind. I watch him and lift my hips up to help assist him in taking my panties off. He throws them to the side and separates my thighs.

  "Don't move princess," he tells me and I whine softly. He leans down and swipes his tongue against me. My hand shoots to his hair, pulling it, as I let out a loud moan.

  "Fuck... fuck that feels really good," I moan and he continues doing it. I try so damn hard to stay still, and for the most part I do until he starts sucking on the one spot that feels amazing.

  In almost an instant I'm coming undone and he takes ever bit of it. He comes up my body and kisses my cheeks softly as I come back down to earth.

  "Breakfast?" I ask with a lazy smile plastered on my face. He chuckles and lays down next to me.

  "I've already had my breakfast princess, but I can make you yours," he says so I hit his arm because of it as we both laugh.

  He takes my arm and picks me up. I can walk, but he says he loves carrying me around for whatever reason so I let him. He carries me into the kitchen and sits me down at the island before going to the fridge to get eggs.

  "Omelette?" He asks and I nod. He takes out the different ingredients to make them. Once he's at the counter I get up and go closer to him.

  "Do you have work today?" I ask and he looks down at me.

"I have some stuff to do at home, and then the club obviously, why?" He asks me and I shrug.

  "Just wondering..." I mumble before going back to the seat thag was in front of him.

  He sighs softly before looking at me again. "How about I bring you into my office today?" He asks me and an immediate smile goes onto my face.

  "Really?" I ask, my face bright as ever. It's the only room in this house that I haven't seen, and he has a fucking theater room.

  "Yeah, you can hang out with me while I work," he says, a small smile resting on his face. It's like he doesn't want to admit that he likes having me around. Don't worry, I don't wanna admit it either.

  "Yes, I would love that," I smile more and he gives me a satisfied smile in return.

  "That's what we'll do after we eat then," he says and pours the ingredients into the pan. I didn't even realize he was mixing them.

  It's weird to think that this is exactly what I want in a person. Someone who can joke with me and make me feel sorry without barely doing anything. It's weird to think that the person who makes me feel this way is my families biggest enemy.

It's weird to think they're barely my family anymore.

Authors Note!🖤

More on the first part in the next few parts hehe

Also, I start school tomorrow so new schedule! (Hopefully)
Mon-Thurs: Tranquility
Friday: Loving You
Sat-Sun: It All Costs Her

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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