Chapter 14: The Good Person Is Indistinguishable From the Bad

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Jo's POV
Two days later...

  Since I'm feeling a little bit better, Hero is helping me. I mean this might sound kinda... odd, especially for the type of person he is.

  He sits behind me in the hospital bed, I'm kind of leaning against him. His legs are on the side of mine as he's propping me up. My speech has definitely gotten better, but I'm still weak.

It's infuriating really, how I went from being on top to being on the bottom now. I try to not seem so down about it, but it's hard. My life was based on how able you are to fight someone, and now that's all gone.

"It all looks fucking wrong," he mumbles and I giggle as he undoes it.

"I told you how to do it," I laugh more and he leans his head on my shoulder.

"But even the little one that you showed me was better then this," he says and I laugh again.

"Just do it, I'm sure it's great," I say and rub my eyes a bit. I feel him tense a bit behind me, and then continues the attempt he's doing on braiding my hair. "Why are you so tense? You haven't been the same since we've been in the hospital," I say and his hand movements stop before starting again.

  "I'm just scared you'll die... not only would it suck but it would mess up my plan," he chuckles and I rub my eyes again.

  "But you just seem so... sad. There's no fire in you," I say softly and he ties the hair band at the end of the braid. I pull it in front of me and smile. "There you go," I say and he adjusts so I can lay back on him better.

  "Are you tired? You seem so weak... fragile," he whispers and I stay laying back on him.

  "I will still attempt to kick your ass if need be," I chuckle and so does he.

  "Of course you would," he pauses before speaking again. "There's no fire in me because right now there's no need for one," he tells me and I nod, my head against his chest. "You can sleep you know... I'll move if you want," he tells me but I take his hand.

  "I don't want you to move," I say and he nods a bit as I close my eyes, keeping the position that's against his chest.

Hero's POV

  She falls asleep on my chest as I play with some of the hair that has already fallen out of the horrendous braid I made.

She was so happy when I said I'd do it though.

It made me... happy?

  I watch her rub her eyes softly, waking up from her nap. Over the past two days she's already made tons of improvement, but they aren't releasing her yet since she's always so tired.

  "Hi," her small voice says once her eyes are adjusted. She looks so young, so innocent. Except she's anything but innocent.

  "Hey, you want anything?" I ask and she looks at me.

  "I want to get out of this bed so I can do my hair," she pouts, trying to remove herself from the bed. I'm immediately at her side, catching her falling body.

  "You can barely sit up, why would you try that?" I ask softly as she tightly grips my arm.

  "I'm sick of not being able to do anything..." she mumbles and I nod, helping her back into bed. "And I just want to braid my hair," she tells me, that adorable pout still on her face.

  "I'll braid your hair if you want," I suggest and that frown if hers becomes a beautiful smile.

  I look at the mess I created on her head, but she seems happy about it so that's what matters to me. I know she's getting better, and how sitting up for that long is a good accomplishment, but I want her to be fully better.

Surprisingly, not for a selfish reason.

  She just seems more sad when she's like this. Her smile is less frequent, and she gets frustrated easily. Watching her face contort into an angry, or sad, or extremely frustrated face when she couldn't talk broke my heart enough. Now, she can barely use the bathroom without needing help.

I just want to see her happy again.

Or as happy as she can be really.

  The door opens and I put a finger to my lips, signaling to be quiet. "Hey man," Morgan says before Felix gets a chance to speak.

  "Try to be quiet, she just fell asleep again," I say and  Felix rolls his eyes. "What?" I asked, pissed off. Honestly, I'm not really over the whole thing he did to Jo.

  "She's always sleeping, and I know why it just pisses me off." Felix explains and Morgan hits his arm.

  "Be less of an asshole, would you?" Morgan says, hitting his arm and I let out a heavy sigh, playing with her hair as if it's a normal thing.

  I mean it kinda is at this point. Between the past two days, she's slept on me like this so many times. Her naps don't last long, but the longer they are the more energy she gets. The doctors are trying to figure out out to fix it.

  "I'm sorry that I said how I feel," Felix says and Morgan hits his arm again.

  "And a condescending prick," he says and Felix quietly laughs.

  "You get one or the other bro," he says and Morgan rolls his eyes, coming to one of the sides of the bed to see Jo.

  "She's so... peaceful," he says and I nod.

  "Hero's become a softie for this girl, I mean for fuck sakes he's playing with her hair," Felix says, in a harsh whisper. Both me and Morgan stare at him. This isn't what we were expecting, not at all.

  She stirs a bit, latching onto my stomach. I smile down at her and Felix groans. "Fuck sakes just say it," I say annoyed.

  "You're pussy whipped," I laugh a bit at his comment.

  "Fuck you, no I'm not," I say and now he laughs.

  "Can you two stop fucking laughing," Morgan says, clearly not wanting to wake Jo up if he can help it.

  "Yes you are, you just smiled at her holding you tighter," he says as a point. "And now you won't kill her like our original plan," I roll my eyes and move the hair out of her beautiful face.

  "I want her alive, that in no way means I'm whipped. I'm not in a good state to talk about this now Felix," I say and he widens his eyes a bit. Since I haven't broken anything, he probably realizes what I mean.

  "Fine, whatever, but this isn't the end of the conversation," he says and looks at Morgan. They nod at each other before walking out, going fuck knows where.

  I look down and watch her steadily breathe. I'm not whipped like he said, I can't be. I never wanted to kill her since I've laid my eyes on her... she shows me that there's more to life then killing.

  I shake my head at my own thoughts, moving her hair out of her face once more before laying myself back more and falling asleep with her holding me.

Authors Note!🖤

I feel like this part sucked but whatever
More action is gonna be in the next part, I think lol
I started writing part 26 of It All Costs Her so I'll probably put that up tomorrow, Loving You Thursday, TOTGA and this Friday but idk yet lol

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

Follow my Instagram- @/hessashearts

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