Chapter 44: If You're Breathing, You're a Liar

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Jo's POV

"Boys," I say and watch as the guns press into Hero, Jack, Morgan, and Felix's temples. "Didn't think this would be the way we meet again," I say with a smile on my face. A creepy smile, one I used to know well.

"Josephine," one of them says, and I recognize that bastards voice.

"Dean, pleasure as always," I say before stepping forward a bit. When I watch the guys move in a way that shows me they're gonna pull the trigger, I back up. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way boys," I tell them and Dean looks at me.

"Then we chose the easy way. You and these boys are gonna get in the van and you're going to come with us." Dean says and I chuckle softly.

"You think it's that easy?" I ask and Dean nods. "Clearly, you forgot who I am, and how I act, and how I get my way. But I haven't forgotten who you are," I say and Dean looks at his boys before they press each gun to all their heads harder.

"We know you love one of them, we don't know which one though. So I guess we'll have to kill them all to get a reaction," he says and I close my eyes.

I feel Hero yelling at me in head. Him telling me to let him die. Him telling me not to move any of the muscles in my face, and not to cry when he's gone, because I'm the strongest person he knows. But I wouldn't be able to, and I know I won't be able too.

"Fine," I say softly and open my eyes. And now I hear him screaming, telling me that I just made the stupidest mistake of my life and that all of us were gonna die anyway. But we're not. I know how these people work. They won't kill us, not yet anyway. "We'll come with you," I say softer and look at Dean.

  "Love will be the death of you Josephine, you used to be soulless. It's what made you an amazing person out in the field," Dean tells me and I smile softly while looking down before looking up at Dean again.

  "I'm not that person anymore," I say as two guys come to tie my hands behind my back and drag us out of the house and out into the van.

Once in the van, we get tied up like prisoners. I've always been on the other side of this, so this is interesting. "Fac mihi beneficium, nec loqui in anglicus," Do me a favor, and don't talk in English. I say in Latin and Hero snaps his head to me, not expecting that. "aut Italica," Or Italian, I add and they all nod.

Morgan looks at me from across the van and I meet his eyes. "Irrumabo quid faciunt? Quo istæ deferunt nobis?" What the fuck are they doing? Where are they taking us? Morgan asks me and I sigh softly.

I see all the guys looking at me, excepting some kind of answer. "Pia, suus posse multis locis. Nos potest ad Portland, seu omnia ut Santa Barbara." Honestly, it could be many places. We could be going to Portland, or all the way to Santa Barbara. I tell them and they all do the same kind of small nod.

They're calmer then I expected, but I guess that's where the name Tranquillity comes from. They stay eerily calm in situations like this.

"Sunt agnus dei non tamen occidere nos. Nonne omnes sunt viginti quatuor horis interrogare debeo." They're not gonna kill us yet. Not until they question all of us after 24 hours. I say and they all look at me like I'm stupid. "Scio quid horum opus. Ego usus ad esse huius seorsum." I know how these things work. I used to be apart of this. I say softly and then look down.

I know about the monster I am. I know who the monster I am is. I know her quite well. I bite my lip and I know Hero can tell I'm being quiet. It weird being on this side of things. The van stops for longer then a minute and I start counting like I did when I was in the cell for what feels like years ago.

"Come on, Sal wants to see his daughter," Dean says and pulls me out.

"Dude, don't say his name," Martian, a random guy from the family, says.

"We all know that she told them about him so it's fine," Dean says and pulls me out of the van. 33... 34... 35... I don't know why I started this counting thing. I think it's a coping mechanism to help me know how long I've actually been here.

I look back at Hero for what I hope isn't the last time. God, I don't know what I'll do if it's the last time. "Te amo!" I love you! I yell at Hero and I see the tears he's fighting back. "Te amo..." I love you... I say softly and my head goes back to counting. 4... 5... 6...

When I get dragged in I immediately recognize where I am. We're in Portland, which makes sense because it's closer then Santa Barbara. I see Claire who covers her mouth in shock. I guess she wasn't expecting on seeing me here.

I yank Dean in a different direction and he sees Claire, knowing that I despise her. "Claire!" He yells and I close my eyes. "Come here," he says and she hesitates before coming toward me. "Say hello to Josephine," he says and I stare at her.

"Hi Jo," she says softly and I smirk. She's here for a various amounts of reasons, and I can tell she's trying to hide those reasons. Maybe one of them is for me.

"Vai a farti fottere," Go fuck yourself, I say in Italian and her face falls. 58... 59... 60... 1... about seven minutes. Dean yanks me away and I purposely hit him in the ankle to hurt him. "Oops," I say with a smirk on my face.

He takes a heavy breath and then pushes me to my dads office. He leans me on the wall, holding my wrists so I don't run, and knocks on my dads door. They say something to each other before pulling me into the room.

"Hello father," I say and Dean sits me in the metal chair in front of my dads office. I know this isn't his real office, it's the one that he uses to interrogate people. Dean unties my hands and I rub my wrists. "Kinky," I smirk and Dean rolls his eyes.

Finally Dean leaves and I look at my dad. "Well, this is unexpected. How did you find me? Or us really, how did you find us?" I ask and sit back in the chair like I have no issue. 10 minutes since we got here... 10 minutes.

"It wasn't hard after I realized you were still on the west coast," he tells me and I nod. I look around and roll my eyes a bit.

"You know you could've had me in your actual office, I know this is your interrogation office," I tell him and he chuckles.

"You know, you've always been a smart girl. So why him?" He asks me and I widen my eyes a bit.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask confused and he leans toward me with his hands on the table and I look up at him.

"Hero, why him?" He asks me and I raise my eyebrows at him and I then look down.

"He's more then what you know..." I say softly and bite my lip a bit. I don't wanna get into it. If I did he would not only be able to get into my mind, but also Hero's.

"Would you like to elaborate?" He asks in a bitchy tone and I look at him like he's stupid.

"No, not really," I say and he comes over to me.

"I'm gonna kill him, and all of his friends," he tells me and I look up at him to get a better view.

"You told me something once; people say things to make sure others can't get into their mind. They could say something or nothing at all. If you're breathing, you're a liar." I say, telling his words back to him.

"You're right, and you know better then anyone that I go by that philosophy." He says to me and I nod up at him. "And I know you do too," he says and I laugh.

"I guess that makes us both lairs then," I say and smile up at him before he goes over to the door, knocking on the door three times. Dean comes back in and ties my hands again and drags me out.

Authors Note!🖤

I'm so excited for the end you have no idea because I know you're all gonna freak out LMAO.

Hope you enjoyed!
See you in the next one!

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