Chapter 21: Stay With Me

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About 3 hours later
Jo's POV

Suddenly I felt pain.

It was about an hour ago this sharp pain shot up from my stomach. It ate away at me until I felt weak. Until I felt like I was nothing.

It's better then being dead.

Though some would disagree with that statement, I know what's starting to happen. I haven't eating much since before I was taken by my father so my stomach is looking for something to eat. Something to destroy with its acid. So it's eating away at itself.

Slowly, I'll die.

Slowly, I'll beg to be killed.

At least that's what my fathers hoping for anyway. He wants me to beg for his mercy, beg for him to forgive me. But I don't beg. I'm not gonna get on my knees and pray he forgives me. No, fuck no.

"Beggars often end up dead Josephine, don't become one of them," my fathers voice says on repeat in my head.

It's funny really, how now that's what he wants me to do. Comedy at it's finest. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. 30...31...32...33, I let the counting resume as I wince in pain.

I thought this wasn't gonna be painful, I thought that I wouldn't feel it and I would just die. But I guess that's not true and I have to live with it. "You would love that, wouldn't you?" I hear a voice say. My head snaps towards that direction and I see... myself? God I'm really going crazy.

"You're... you're not real," I say and keep my eyes trained on the door again, hoping someone will come save me. Maybe my Prince Charming.

"Of course I'm not, I'm in your head. Good to know you haven't been here long enough to know what's real and what's fake," the other me scoffs and I keep counting. 2...3...4...5...6... "Counting isn't gonna get you anywhere, sweetheart. Aren't you happy you didn't just eat the poison."

I try to focus on good thoughts, like how me and Hero were before everything happened. How when we woke up every morning he would shower my face in kisses, or every time I was cooking he'd wrap his arms around my waist and hold me. He swears it's to make sure I'm not burning anything, but I think it's because he likes being close to me.

"You're really gonna think about him? Now? At a time like this? If you are gonna a think about him, you should be thinking about how our father is gonna kill him. Slowly, letting him feel the pain that he felt when you were gone," my other self tells me, and I've had enough.

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!" I yell at myself and she just chuckles.

"Looks like little old Josephine is going insane. Too bad though, she sure had a good life ahead of her," she tells me and disappears.

This is it.

I'm dying.

And I have to accept it.

Hero's POV

I look at the building she's supposed to be in, and it's absolutely huge. I'm not nervous though, I'm never nervous. I just want her back, in my arms.

"You'll have a earpiece on at all times, so if you need me just speak into it. They're gonna take out the guards and such and you're gonna get her," Felix explains to me like I don't know the god damn plan already.

"What if I don't find her? What if I'm just running around like a goose with no head?" I ask and look away from the building and back to him.

"Oh, she's in there. Or at least her or Salvatore is. Do me a favor and kill him if you do find him. That bitch deserves to die," Felix says and I nod a bit.

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