Chapter 15: Kung Fu Fighting

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A little over a week later
Hero's POV

  "Come on, you got this!" I laugh and she shakes her head. She seems so... I don't know, but she seems scared to hit the punching bag.

  "I'm gonna hurt myself myself," she laughs nervously and I shake my head.

  "You're not going too, and if you do I'll help you," I say, smiling a bit. My... mood is over and done with. It has been since we got out of that damn hospital.

  She smiles and nods. I watch her slowly gain confidence as moves along the punching bag. She swings, and it's powerful. "See, I told you that you haven't lost that much strength," I smile and she chuckles.

  "Yeah yeah, whatever," she says and I instruct her on how to hit the bag. First a punch, another punch and then a kick. Different styles that she knows, over and over.

  "You can stop now," I say and she does, a little out of breath.

  "I'm used to doing this in heels... this is just weird," she says and grabs her water bottle, taking a long sip from it. Her body glistens with sweat, and I can only imagine all the other reasons she can be sweating. "Hero? Earth to Hero?!" She laughs and I snap out of my thoughts.

  "Hm? What?" I say and she smiles at me. A sorta devilish smile.

"I said, that I think everyday we should spar," she says and I cock an eyebrow up at her.

"And why is that?" I ask curiously. She chuckles and moves her way towards me.

"Well then I can see how strong I really am. Maybe even stronger then you," she says, way closer to me then before. Our breathing has unconsciously synced and she has a small smile playing on her lips.

"Let me warm up and we can spar, you know where the mats are?" I ask and she nods, walking to the closet on the other side of the room.

There are so many other things I should be worrying about, so many other things that are more important then this. Yet this feels like the most important thing in the world.

I continue to hit the punching bag as she stretches.
It takes all of my strength to not look at her wonderful ass as she bends down to touch her toes. Or how she could rub up against me, or how in one motion I could be inside of her, fucking her.

"You ready yet?" She asks and I nod, quickly sipping my water as she adjusts the mats.

"Let's do this blondie," I smirk and she shakes her head. We both move around each other, and I fake her out of a punch. This prompts her to lunge at my feet.

She tries taking me down that way, but her failed strength doesn't allow it. It would've been good though. I let her stand up, it's only fair. She swings at me, being hasty. I know why she's like that because it's a combination of different reasons. First, it's how she was taught. It's the eat or be eaten type of method. Second, she's used to people trying to kill her, therefore thinking seven steps ahead. It's smart, really smart, but not for sparing.

I grab her shoulder, turning her back to me and pinning one arm behind her back, and one out to the side. "Give up yet?" I ask into her ear and I feel shivers spread through her body.

"Not a chance," she says before using her momentum to literally front flip out of my grasp. When she turns back to me, a smirk is plastered on her face.

She ducks when I punch at her, and she grabs the arm, turning it so it's the wrong way. I wince and grab her small hand off my arm. She chuckles and kicks at me, but I catch her leg. Her eyes widen at my suddenly movement and pushes off my hand to kick at my head. I move my head out of the way and she back walkovers out of my grasp.

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