Chapter 33: A Diagnosis

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Jo's POV


Despite popular belief, there's different forms of intimacy.

You can be in love.

Touching something, someone in a place no one can see. Somewhere no one else can touch.

You can also be death.

Getting so close to someone that someone stabs them and watch as they drop dead.

Or maybe they'll get even closer to them.

Maybe they'll decide they want their victims to see who's hurting them. Make them see the person who's killing them up close and personal. People like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy did this. They strangled some of their victims.

I think they just liked to watch the pain.

The hospital rushes me into surgery from what I understand. The blood was pooling on the gurney and dripped from my leg as they put me on table.

"We gotta pull it out," a doctor says and I try to sit up but they push me back down.

"Keep it in until she's out," another doctor says and I look around.

"Where- wheres Hero?" I slur out tiredly. I don't know how I got here, I don't even really remember the past twenty minutes.

"Who's Hero honey?" A doctor asks, coming close to me and asking sweetly.

"My- my boyfriend. Where is he?!" I yell, kinda freaking out as they bind me to the table. Am I in a fucking horror movie or something?

"The wound is getting infected," one of the doctors from before say and they touch the wound a bit.

Oh yeah, there's a knife in my leg.

"Well sterilize it!" The other doctor says a little frantically. Suddenly there's a large sting on my leg, causing me to yell.

"Fucking hell!" I yell and tug at the buckles that are trapping my arms.

"I'm gonna need you to calm down honey," the calm doctor from before says to me. I don't listen to her through, I continue to tug at both my legs and arms.

"Stop her from moving!" The frantic doctor says and it doesn't stop me, not one bit.

I feel trapped.

It's like when I was a little girl and my dad decided that I had to learn a lesson. He strung me up and let me hang there. Sometimes some of his members would come by and threaten to hit me. One of them actually did because of my attitude.

I hate this feeling.

"I got the IV in!" An excited doctor says and I widen my eyes. I start thrashing harder and one of the doctors push me down again.

"If you want to live you need to calm down. You're making the bleeding worse," he says to me and I look at him in the eyes.

"I've come close to death before, this is nothing," I say and he stares at me before I feel my eyes getting heavy.

Heavier and heavier until I'm out cold.

Hero's POV

"What are your parent/ legal guardians names?"

Easy. Salvatore and Jessalyn

"What are their phone numbers in case of an emergency?"


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